A review by strangerahne
Queen Among the Dead by Lesley Livingston


3.5 rounded up
This might have spoilers?? Not sure because of my questions with the history of the time.
This book was really interesting for me. I liked the premise of the story, and I liked the setting and the characters, but the pacing and the execution just didn't hit that sweet spot for me to give it 4 stars.
Now, disclaimer for this next part, I am not a scholar of myths. And I very much don't know a very much about celtic myths. So this next part, take with a grain of salt. There was a confusing mixing of mythologies, in my opinion, that I had a hard time following. This is inspired by Irish/Celtic myth and folklore, yet there was a fair bit of talk about Kamat, and other references to Eygpt, and some Egyptian gods that confused me. I actually did end up doing some mild research just to try and understand what the connections were and couldn't find any. So if anyone out there has a connection of the Celtic myths and Egyptian ones, let me know please. Also, did Egyptians ever invade/conquer Ireland? I thought it was just the Romans, Germanic people and vikings and such.
Point being, I had to do a fair bit of research to understand some stuff and am now left with more questions that I need answers for. Author, if you see this, please let me know the answers.