A review by pewterwolf
Half Truths by Sally Green


Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Half Truths takes place just after [b:Half Lies|23361016|Half Lies (The Half Bad Trilogy, #0.5)|Sally Green|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1441661730s/23361016.jpg|42916783] (so yes, this is another prequel novella in the Half Bad series) where we follow Gabriel from when he arrives in Switzerland, looking for help from the powerful Black Witch Mercury to when he meets Nathan in Half Bad (so it overlaps in a way).

Between Half Lies and Half Truths, I think I prefer Half Truths.

I'm not sure why. I don't think this novella really added anything to the series (but you never know - there was a character who I sense might pop up in [b:Half Lost|26404831|Half Lost (The Half Bad Trilogy, #3)|Sally Green|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442094191s/26404831.jpg|40160458]), expect it gives us an insight in what Gabriel was doing before he met Nathan and it shows that he had a life before Nathan. He met people and nearly fell in love with people before Nathan. It's nice to known stuff about Gabriel that Nathan doesn't know.

Half Truths didn't really add anything to the series, I think, but it's was a nice fast read that will tie me over till Half Lost...