A review by trusselltales
Misery Bay by Steve Hamilton


It's been quite a while since I read a Steve Hamilton book, and I'd forgotten quite how good a writer he is. Alex McKnight, former police officer with a bullet fragment lodged near his heart, gets an unexpected visit from the unlikeliest of people, local police chief who far from being his biggest fan...but who needs his help investigating the suicide of a friend's son down in Misery Bay. As you'd imagine, all is not as straightforward as the initial investigation suggested and McKnight is pulled into a series of deaths.

The setting of this book is vivid - I feel like it's always endless winter in the McKnight world! The interaction between Alex and police chief Maven was one of the high points of the book for me - the way the dislike of each other took a back seat as they united in a common aim. Highly recommended intelligent thriller.