A review by alexctelander
Blood Infernal by Rebecca Cantrell, James Rollins


Blood Infernal is the final book in the trilogy from bestselling authors James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell who have created a world that mixes Christianity and vampires together in a new and terrifying way.

While it takes a little while for the book to get going, the big plotline is revealed: Lucifer’s shackles are loosening and the Apocalypse appears imminent. It will be up to the three – archaeologist Erin Granger, army sergeant Jordan Stone and Father Rhun Korza – to search for a new Chalice and imprison Lucifer safely back in his bonds. Meanwhile, a demon named Legion is alive and free and able to take over the bodies of others.

Stone has also gone through some sort of transformation and is now somehow able to heal incredibly fast and seems almost immortal, which seems free license for the writers to really try their best to push him as close to death as possible. This concluding book feels unbalanced with the first half heavily weighted with archaeological searches and discovery and plenty of puzzle and problem solving, and the second half, once the big baddie is revealed, with nonstop action leaving the reader little room to come up for air. Nevertheless, adding this volume to the first two makes the trilogy a complete story that ends in a high-tension climax.

Originally written on March 8, 2015 ©Alex C. Telander.

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