A review by ashleylm
I Hated, Hated, Hated This Movie by Roger Ebert


Ordinarily I'm not so enthusiastic about collections of essays—I prefer my non-fiction to read like novels, with beginnings, middles, climaxes, conclusions ... but this made for near-perfect bedtime reading, and when Mr. Ebert gets sarcastic, he's particularly funny. (I'm paraphrasing, but one line will stick with me, something like "it seemed like an experiment to find out how far you could slow down a film before it would stop completely.")

I don't think he hated all the movies in this book—some of them he seems to have enjoyed considerably, but for reasons of honour can't give them a good grade—so a more accurate but less lively title would merely be A Collection of My Reviews of Inferior Films.

I have even set out to watch a handful of the ones he recommended (against), and found one or two moderately appealling, but I see what he was getting at. Though the films be bad, though, the reviews are very well-produced indeed.

(5* = amazing, terrific book, one of my all-time favourites, 4* = very good book, 3* = good book, but nothing to particularly rave about, 2* = disappointing book, and 1* = awful, just awful. As a statistician I know most books are 3s, but I am biased in my selection and end up mostly with 4s, thank goodness.)