A review by shelleyrae
Haunted by Kelley Armstrong


Since I really enjoyed [b:Industrial Magic|125925|Industrial Magic (Women of the Otherworld, #4)|Kelley Armstrong|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1171907387s/125925.jpg|121282] I wasn't sure if I would enjoy the switch to Eve's story. Not having read #1 or #2 as yet i only had the barest back story on her role in previous books so I wasn't too sure what to expect.
Most suprisingly Haunted is set 2 years later than Industrial Magic. I expected a much shorter time gap or even overlap.
I did find that Haunted was another highly enjoyable, {mostly} fast paced installment exploring a new world, myths and new characters.
Eve is struggling to find a place in the ghost realm, wanting to find a way to return to her daughters life in some way, and accepts a task by the Fates to help capture an escaped demi demon hoping that she will find a way to reach out to Savannah. The demi demon known as Nix, who has instigated serial killer sprees, is not easy to find or capture and the investigation is challenging. Eve recieves support from Kristoff with whom she is redefining her relationship. And the assistance of an angel Trsiel - I actually spent the entire book expecting him to turn out to be evil since his incompetence seemed far too contrived. This was the major complaint I would have - because it seems he just really was just that stupid when he wasn't a stupid character and so i have a hard time reconciling those inconsistancies.
I really liked Armstrongs exploration of the nature of and degrees evil and I found Eve's POV of her own actions interesting given the impressions/thoughts others had of her in the mortal world.
I would prefer 3 and a half stars on this book. It wasn't quite as good as Industrial Magic - it dragged a bit more with the near misses and Trseil's character was annoying. However another entertaining installment, started [b:Broken|11915|Broken (Women of the Otherworld, #6)|Kelley Armstrong|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1166490273s/11915.jpg|895274] as soon as I finished