A review by nbwalks
Past Perfect by Leila Sales


Actual Rating:3.5

Favorite thing about this book:
How much it made me laugh. I was honestly surprised. You know how there are those stupid/cheesy jokes and sarcastic comments? Well, this was chock full of them. Usually I don't like those types of jokes but these ones were great. They just made the characters all the more lovable.
Speaking of which,
Characters: Can't help but love them. They aren't the usual popular or even "normal" kids. They are History Buffs and Drama Freaks. Loved them. Seriously. I liked how the author showed us their own world where they had their own sort of popular kids. It was different and nice to read about. Then when they encountered the actual popular kids, the experience was realistic since they cowered away from them. It broke my heart but I still loved how realistic it was.

It was really, really close to getting a solid 4*'s out of me BUT, I didn't like the ending. I felt like it was either too rushed or something was missing. Sure the plot strings were tied together but I didn't experience that. I just read about it, kind of like a summary. That was a major disappointment.
Still, overall it was a nice read that I recommend to people who are in that limbo of waiting for a new release to come out. (I started reading while waiting for Shadows, then put it on hold while reading Shadows, and then started up again while waiting for Pandemonium; you don't get lost or confused if you put it on hold for a couple of days ;)...)