A review by mtbdbassbot
The Thorns Remain by J.J.A. Harwood


2.5 Stars
If you expect this book to be romantic in any sense of the word, and gay as the dedication makes it out to be, you're gonna be disappointed.

At least, I was. I felt bamboozled.

Romance really only happened when the main character was talking about her dead fiance and even that was simply just sad and made me feel bad for her. Not saying that is a bad thing at all, I quite enjoyed reading about their relationship.

Just when I thought the Fae Lord was going to learn human emotions and learn how to love and what it means to be remembered, did he just revert to being the selfish and manipulative as*hole from the beginning. Which again, nothing wrong with that, but why is this book not being promoted as such?

The only time the main character really starts falling for sweet words is when the Fae Lord takes on the form of a woman, which is used to all of a sudden reveal that the main character is not straight. And considering the dedication was "make it gayer," really feels like it was an afterthought that was not handled well and was of poor taste to me.

I did finish it and honestly, I did enjoy most of it but I realized the only reason I saw it through was because I kept anticipating the point in which the relationship changes. And that final part, where I realized nothing that I was expecting was going to get realized, did I start to skim the heavily rushed finale.

The epilogue did nothing to really answer all the questions I have left behind. Also, what the hell was that final line? How does the main character have iron in her soul exactly?

Would have liked this book if it was packaged differently or delivered differently.