A review by kistireads
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty


The finale of the Daevabad trilogy! And what an insane ending it was. I felt like the second book in the series was less action packed and more political intrigue - but this one was FULL of action.
I found myself incredibly compelled to keep reading and the twists and turns were not ones I saw coming! I had a feeling of the gist the story was going to but the way it got there was always a surprise and as such, the plot was a delight, I really enjoyed how it was woven together from elements in the first book to the newly added elements here. The setting and the atmosphere were similar to the first two books - beautiful, lush, rich and enticing - I loved it.
The characters were my next favorite part - I loved seeing their journeys and their arcs throughout but it all really comes to a head in this novel. My favorite character is Nahri and she was amazing in this book of course. I have been less a fan of Ali but I was starting to appreciate him more here and his idealism and his naïveté were lessened - he grew up a bit! I've always enjoyed Dara but his journey was slightly heartbreaking here, though he had a better ending that I anticipated.

Overall, I really enjoyed this ending and final novel in the series. I wish we got more time with the characters and the world, I will miss reading about it!