A review by adamgolden
My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger by Elliot Rodger


It's hard to give a review to something like this. I was honestly expecting a more insightful look into the life of a man that clearly was mentally unstable, and his reasoning for the atrocious crimes he committed. Instead, it's for the most part a boring, glorified autobiography of a privileged, spoiled brat that had everything he wanted in life except for one thing.
To be fair, a lot of us can relate to that one thing - having a relationship with someone that you love, and what comes along with it. But to do what he did, more out of a seething, jealous rage rather than the actual despair of being alone, is extremely hard to sympathize with (which is what his entire manifesto cried out for; sympathy for his bleak and lonely life).
While interesting because there is really nothing else like this out there, the book is terribly written and exceedingly repetitive in nature. I wouldn't recommend this "book" to anybody. Instead, I'd recommend watching his short, several minute videos that encapsulate everything in his manifesto in a much more digestible manner, without having to read 140 pages of absolute drivel.