A review by capnlinnius
Whiteland by Rosie Cranie-Higgs


I received an e-ARC through NetGalley.

Rated 2.5/5 rounded down.

I'm not quite sure what to say about this book. It felt as though I read two different books; the first half of this was a strange supernatural horror-ish story, the second half was a fairy tale about sacrifice. The main reason I'm not rating this higher is this inconsistent feel of the style. It reminded me of the book Hekla's Children, which is another book I very much enjoyed, but which read as two very different types of stories.

The best part of this was definitely the language; poetic and compelling and fitting with the fairy tale vibes. Although some of the pop-culture references felt unnecessary and forced, overall I enjoyed the writing a lot.

The less good was the inconsistency in POV and the attempts at twists that weren't very surprising. There was really no need to throw in random little chapters from a minor character's POV here and there. And I've seen other reviewers say the ending was unexpected, but I just felt as though we didn't read the same book.

I admit to being a bit disappointed on the whole. But if you're looking for a new adult dark fairy tale, this may well be the book for you.