A review by nelljustice
Strip Me Bare by M. Never

This is not my typical book. As a matter of fact, this was an entirely out of my box experience. The cover and description explains the story. This story has sex, angst, a lot of swearing, nicotine addiction, mention of drugs and a ton of drama.
Suffice it to say, the writing was on target for a 23 year old spoiled little privileged girl. The narrator caught her attitude perfectly. I am not 23 years old. 23 is in my rear view mirror and I had forgotten the drama and the fuss of that age. I had forgotten the naivete and the lack of experience that a 23 year old could have in life. I wanted to smack Alana up side the head more than once. I mean, seriously, open your eyes, girl! The beginning of the story, when Ryan first came back into the picture, he told Alana why. Why he left. Why he never contacted her (seriously? He had her phone number, for *&^%’s sake!). Why this? Why’d you do that? Why did that happen? His story of why he left Alana and why he made the choices he did and why Alana should take him back had me very skeptical. So much so that I more than once rolled my eyes. You’d have to give me a million dollars before I’d ever buy his story in real life. Now, the eye rolling is not a reflection on the quality of the writing of the book. The writing totally fit the characters. The actions and reactions of a
23 year old Ryan were right on target. The excuses he made were exactly like decisions a 23 year old would make.
Okay, so, the writing really fit with the characters. Check. Did I like the story? Well, I’m not going to lie to you. I really didn’t find the story all that engaging. I felt like this was a bunch of drama scenes thrown together around the sex. Would I listen to it again? No. Was the narrator good? Yeah, she was good. I’d give her a chance again if the story was different. She appears to be a seasoned narrator with a lot of books under her belt. Would I recommend this story? Not on your life…unless you really just want to listen to drama, angst and a lot of sex terms, sexual innuendos and sex.
With that being said, I don’t want to deter anyone from listening to this audio book. In fact, there were several glowing reviews so if it’s your game, then more power to you. It’s not mine. I have to have some meat to the story-pardon the pun. I love audio books and I like trying new authors and new books. This was a new author and although the writing was put together, the scene descriptions were good, the story was weak – in my opinion.