A review by sunsess
Dragon Slippers by Jessica Day George


Romance, dragons, and embroidery. What an odd combination. It's almost as if this book was written for me.


I loved Dragon Slippers. Though the inspiration no doubt came from a bunch of classic fairytales the story was unique enough to be its own entity. I liked that the writer wasn't afraid to make certain characters evil, though I would've liked more of an explanation as to why they were that way. It was good to know every character was fair game.

My favorite part was the embroidery and stained windows. Both bring back pleasant memories for me of spending time with my grandmother, painting those plastic window hangers and learning basic threading stitches. I suppose this wouldn't be as appealing to someone who has no backstory with these skills, but people interested in art and decor should still find it somewhat enjoyable. If you've never heard of embroidery, I encourage you to look it up.

I didn't give the book five stars because the writing style didn't feel organic, and I wasn't particularly fond of the way the story wrapped up. Some of it felt too good to be true, and while I don't mind suspending my belief, the book would have ended on just as much of a high note if some things were left out. Not every dead character has to come back to life, not every villian has to die a horrible death, etc. and if you do go that route, it needs to feel like it was planned all along, not - I've got three pages left, kill the witch!

I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes fantasy, fairytales, innocent romance, or large hoards of dogs raised by cowardly dragons. I wonder if there's a dragon that hoards cows...