A review by sandeeisreading
Lost and Found by Gina L. Maxwell


full review

"Instead of being thankful that I’ve somehow landed an incredible woman I don’t deserve, I need to do everything I can to become the man she does deserve."

oh peter! what i wouldn't do to have a guy like you.

pan was recommended to me by the lovely Caffeinated Fae when i was on the hunt for a short but sweet romance. this definitely did not disappoint. the story was short, sweet, and simple. oh wait, it was kinda hot too. but yeah, the story love unnecessary drama which i really appreciated. i mean drama sometimes is good on books but not on my romance once, i dont need soap opera dramas on my books.

COVER LOVE: 5 stars. what is it with romance novels and hot guys on the cover? did i love it? of course i did!

PLOT: 4 stars. we get a dual perspective from both pan and wendy alternating from the past and present day. yes. like peter pan and wendy darling. lol. no kidding. i swear.do you even want to know peter's last name? it's pan. lol. anyways, this story is set in the modern times with real life problems, no fairies, just people who share the same names from the peter pan story, that somehow mimics events from the well-loved fairy tale set in the modern time. it was nice actually.

so plot is nothing really to die for. it was simple, which i liked. it didn't have the unending drama that most romance novel has. it was just a simple story about a guy and a girl who separated, and somehow, found their way back together. were there other elements in the mix? sure. like someone else liking the guy then that eventually causes conflict, but really, they didn't drag that on too long like most romance book which i appreciated a lot. i would have been okay without it though.

THE WRITING: 4.5 stars. I actually really like Gina L. Maxwell's writing. It's not mind blowing or anything, but it was so easy to get into. I am a huge fan of the stream of consciousness type of writing, which for me, this one follows. sometimes, it does get confusing though because you switch from past and the present, so you follow two different timelines. it isn't too bad though.

CHARACTERS: 5 stars. i think its the characters is one of the reasons why i love this book so much. in this book, we mostly follow wendy and peter's story, but that's not to say that the others weren't given their moment to shine. i found each character were somehow relatable. i think the next book would be about hook (yes. james hook. lol) which i am super excited about. the author gave us a tease on what to expect from him and possibly his story. i think i may need tissues when i do read book 2.

PACE: 5 stars. this was definitely more fast paced than most which i prefer. if you are looking for a sweet, hot, and fast romance book i would definitely recommend this.

ROMANCE: 4 stars. okay the romance. hhmm. this is a bit tricky. don't get me wrong. i love both wendy and peter's relationship, i just feel that they reunited far too quickly for my liking. they haven't seen each other in ages. i don't think you can reconnect with someone as quickly as they did regardless of how much they loved each other in the past. i think that was my only gripe about it. other than that, they are perfect for each other. did forget to mention that they are one filthy couple? yeah. i love it.

ENDING: 5 stars. who doesn't like a happy ending. i know i do. i like the way things ended. no further drama. no bullshit to follow on the next book. it ends. period. it gives way for us to deal with another character in the story, which i can't wait to get my hands on.


i really enjoyed reading this. It was a pretty quick read. The characters, the romance, the plot, they all blended pretty well for me. As mentioned, I think I just found their reunion a little bit too convenient, other than that, I really enjoyed this quick and easy to read romance novel.