A review by booksandbeautymarks
Imagine Me by Tahereh Mafi


The Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi...

10 Books:
6 full length novels
4 novellas


For the months of May and June, I spent every moment that I could immersed in the dystopian world of the Shatter Me Series. This series caught my eye about a year or so ago and I was determined to read it! I have since read these books and moved on from it, and I am MISSING these characters like crazy!

Julliette, Aaron (Warner), Adam, James, Kenji (Oh, my Kenji!) Castle-everyone who made up Omega Point and The Sanctuary-they set my world on fire!!! The series was, for me, such a gripping and engrossing one. Mafi’s writing is beautiful and her ability to tell a story that is FILLED with love, drama, suspense, humor, magical and romance elements, and action was quite enjoyable.

Juliette’s development from book 1 to book 10 is, undoubtedly, my favorite thing to reminisce about. She was SUCH a lost little girl who’d been abandoned and abused. So much so that she became her own shelter to keep herself safe, and she only existed, living only a fraction of who she truly was. She was so lost!! By book 10, Juliette had redefined herself and CONQUERED everything that was thrown her way! It was beautiful to read! Y’all KNOW I loves me a good redemptive story!

I thoroughly enjoyed these books! THOROUGHLY! Although I’ve rated the books individually, I give the series as a whole 4.5 out of 5 stars! We won’t even begin to talk about these BREATHTAKING COVERS! Nope. Not gonna do it! We’d be here all day! Lol

If you enjoy dystopian reads, I strongly encourage you to read this series. If you’re not sure about dystopian-as I wasn’t before I read these-I encourage you to try this series. Oh, and did I hear that this was picked up for the screen?! If so...it’s gonna be SICK!

In a nutshell, if you wanna overthrow a corrupt Government,