A review by missnickie
Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive by Jessica N. Turner


This book was such a huge encouragement! I loved that the ideas she presents are not lofty and theoretical, but rather practical things that can be implemented in our lives right now. The many interviews with other women was also so helpful because it brought such a diverse perspective.
Whether you work full time or part time, in the home or outside the home, I highly recommend this book! So much of mommy guilt is brought on because of other people's expectations and Jessica helps to break this down and helped me to realized that I am a good mom, even if i don't volunteer in my kids class or go to all the field trips. I'm there for the stuff that matters.
I believe that every mom has the opportunity to be a good mom, to be free of guilt and to thrive and this book helps lead the way to all of those!