A review by em_thebookish_girl
The Masks We Burn by Lee Jacquot


The Masks We Burn is Amora and William's story, it's an enemies to lovers and fake engagement romance. It's a standalone and book #3 in the Emerald Falls series. Amora and William were introduced in book #1 "The Masks We Wear". This series is amazing! I really enjoy reading all the books, and I loved seeing all the characters making an appearance in this book. Especially seeing their friendship dynamics with each other. William and Amora are something else! What happens when fire fights with fire? Or when two equally stubborn and dominant characters go head-to-head with each other? Well, you can easily expect an inferno to happen. And all you simply need is some gasoline and a match to ignite the dormant tension between them. They want each other, but both of them are just too damn stubborn to admit it. Neither of them are interested in having a serious relationship, yet they cannot help themselves wanting so much more. My goodness! William may be a cinnamon roll, but in Amora's presence behind close doors that's a whole another story!! Some scenes were just too hot to handle!

Amora and William's first encounter wasn't really pleasant to say the least, and you can say that they don't easily get along. No matter how many years have past from their first unpleasant encounter, Amora is *still* holding a grudge, hence their interaction hurt her deeply. But whenever they meet there's this ever so thick intense tension between them. And this is the main reason they avoided each other, but now, they are or more like need to be in close proximity. Both of them are desperate to find a solution to their own situations. They may dislike and get under each others' skin, but when an opportunity arises that will benefit them both they need to work together. The solution to their problems, a fake engagement. But the more they spend time together, the chemistry they have heats up and slowly the lines got blurred. And after all, it's very difficult to deny their growing attraction for each other anymore, because it's inevitable.

Amora is the perfect example of a sassy, hotheaded and "doesn't take any cr*p from no one" character. To the outside world, Amora is confident and strong willed, but deep down she has certain fears and insecurities about herself. She's desperately trying to figure out what she wants from her life. All she knows that she needs to plan her future, but she just doesn't know what she wants and this terrifies her.  William can be seen as a ladies man; he's c*cky, hilarious and is aware how handsome he is. But that's just the surface,  no one is aware of the silent storms he's experiencing; William is feeling at lost, like he doesn't know what to do with his life and he's desperately trying to find his new purpose in life.  Amora and William may get on each others' nerves, but they just don't realize how similar they are. Both of them are racing against time; feeling like their time and luck is running out. Amora has a difficult relationship with her mother. They aren't on the same page, and their views in general clash with each other. But nevertheless she loves her mother. And William just wants to make his parents proud, he doesn't want to disappoint them. Overall, I absolutely loved how the storyline unfolded! I was happy to see Amora taking a step in the right direction and fight for her dreams. But the last chapter!! Oh my gosh!!! I was literally squealing!! Eeek! I absolutely love mafia romances and I cannot wait to read Onyx next year!!

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review