A review by sarasreading
Time Was Soft There: A Paris Sojourn at Shakespeare & Co. by Jeremy Mercer


A decent read. Honestly, I kept thinking that if this was a blog, I would have loved it. It would have been a great blog, but it's a not bad book. The thing that does strike me more than anything else in this book is the time taken to explain so many different people's lives before they came to the bookstore. The way things started out, the choices made, action and reaction. Almost no one in the book set out to stay at the bookstore, but it was the series of unplanned events and strings of choices that led them there.

He says something in the book that kind of sticks, at least in my mind. He says something about how no one starts off in life wanting to work a cash register, or other menial jobs. It's not a new idea, or a profound one, but it made me think even more about the way people's lives turn out, and why. Things happen, life happens, and it takes people places they weren't expecting to be, doing things they never thought they would do. And everyone, everyone has a story.

That's probably the biggest thing I'll take away from this book. That and to remember if I ever visit the bookstore to look behind some books for some spare cash. ^^;