A review by strangecandy
The Sunlight Pilgrims by Jenni Fagan


I'm very torn about how I feel about this book. Basically the ending. But the story itself was quite magical. The year is 2020, the icebergs are melting and the world is on the brink of a global snowstorm. Our protagonist, Dylan, a tattooed Londoner who was raised by his mother and grandmother in an old movie theater all his life has recently lost both of these women and he is soon to loose the theater and home he loves. He finds out his mother has bought a caravan (a travel trailer) in cash and off the books for him to move to in a remote area of Scotland. He packs up his mom and grandmothers ashes and moves to the caravan and discovers he has a motley assortment of neighbors around him. Most importantly is Constance...whom he glimpses for the first time when she steps out on her porch and appears to "polish the moon". He is immediately falling for her. Constance is a bit of an odd duck, furbishing furniture from the dump to make money with her daughter Stella. A transgender 12 year old who is having to deal with hormones, bullies and online love. She immediately thinks Dylan and her mom would make an ideal pair.
The story has the ongoing issue of dealing with the never ending snow and ice and how they are going to survive. There is also the issue of the men who are involved with Constance one of them being Stella's father who refuses to acknowledge his son is now a girl. All in all a very interesting read. I just didn't like how it ended. I kept turning the page on my Kindle thinking there had to be more and there wasn't. It was frustrating because it left too many things unanswered but maybe there will be another book.