A review by kaitlynvella
Everybody (Else) Is Perfect: How I Survived Hypocrisy, Beauty, Clicks, and Likes by Gabrielle Korn


Thank you to NetGalley + Atria for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Wow, what a perfect read to start off my 2021. As someone who works in media, I found myself nodding my head and agreeing with so much of what Gabrielle Korn wrote. From facing imposter syndrome to feelings of body dysmorphia, Korn was able to beautifully put into words things that have been clattering in my brain for years. Plus, I ended up learning a lot along the way.

This is one of those books that I know I'll keep returning to throughout the course of my career (and my life). Korn's words will be engrained forever in not only the pages of this book, but also in my memory.