A review by mojoshivers
Badlands by C.J. Box


This was another good installment, though I felt it was only tangentially connected to main Lizard King plot. It felt very much like a monster of the week plot. But that’s good. I kind of liked the diversion and Box thought of an intriguing one-off plot involving a car accident, a sizable stash of heroin and cash, a special needs boy, and the very vicious cartel working with corrupt police officers trying to track the cache of illegal drugs and money down.

Box may not ramp up the action like other thriller writers do but I appreciate the way he can concoct slow burn of a story. At any given time you’re wondering who is where, who has the stash, and when are all the various groups are going to bump into each other. And when they finally do, there are genuine twists that push the ending along and provide a very danger-fraught conclusion. I approve.