A review by bookph1le
Goldilocks by L.R. Lam


This was a pretty great book for me to break my fast from science fiction. Considering I seem to live in a scifi novel, I haven't had much interest in reading them lately, but I did very much enjoy the way this book transported me to space.

One of the things I liked best about this book was that its story played out at its own pace. This is a reflective book, one that delves deeply into Naomi's character and what made her who she is. This surprised me, since I was expecting something more of a thrill ride, but I very much appreciated that characterization doesn't end up taking a back seat to the action, as happens too often in some of the more action-oriented books I read.

That's not to say this book doesn't have tense moments that make the narrative speed by, because it does. I'm a big fan of closed mysteries, and an environment doesn't get much more closed than a spaceship near Mars with only five inhabitants. Once the mystery kicks into gear, the book becomes pretty nail-biting.

There were a few aspects of the book I didn't like quite as much. The way women had been stripped of their rights felt a little underdeveloped, and while given what's currently going on in U.S. culture, I didn't find the concept too hard to believe, it also didn't feel fully fleshed to me. I also would have liked some more detail about the nationalism that got Cochran elected.

Lastly, the resolution felt a bit rushed to me. I didn't want it to be drawn-out, but the ending felt a bit like a race to the ending.

Still, overall this was a very good read that totally transported me whenever I picked it up.