A review by r1vana
To Catch a Firefly by Emmy Sanders


"Me and you, right, El?" "Me and you," I answer.

Childhood friends to lovers.
I was ten years old when I met Lucky. I knew it then, and I know it now. He's a firefly. Luminous and wild. He was never meant to be trapped. Not here and not with me. And in a few days, I'll finally watch him fly away.

E(H) L(h);
Does h really love H, since forever, if he has been hooking up with other people. While H is sooooo in love with h that he never taught about dating and has no sexual experience. This kind of trope rubs me the wrong way. Some readers can pass on, but I couldn’t.
I loved the unsent emails from H.

The angst is there: This pain, it's my own, and I'll work through it. It's not his fault my feelings grew to...this.

They got together at 49% and the rest was repetitive smut. When I mean repetitive, I meant dragged on. No plot. And no character growth. It stopped there… prime example: "Later, I asked if you were attracted to guys, and you said no." His head lifts, eyes meeting mine. "Wasn't guys." My breath catches all over again. "Only me."

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