A review by nicolemhewitt
Call Me Athena: Girl from Detroit by Colby Cedar Smith


This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

I’m not normally a huge fan of historical fiction, so the fact that I loved this book is saying something. The author juxtaposes Mary’s story, which takes place in America during the start of the Great Depression, with her parents’ stories when they were two lovelorn teenagers separated during WWI. Mary finds their letters to each other and learns their fascinating history. The intertwining of these stories is expertly done, and the war brings a level of intrigue to the story. As you read, you wonder how Mary’s parents, from different countries and entirely different backgrounds, eventually come together. And the verse in the book is compelling, especially in the letters. I actually suggested this to my daughter as an enjoyable book with “literary merit” that she can use for free reading for her AP Lit class, so obviously I’d recommend it! (My daughter has since read it and did, indeed, enjoy it immensely.)

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher for Cybil’s judging purposes. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***