A review by happylilkt
Well Met by Jen DeLuca


2.5 stars

There were some things I liked about this romance. The premise was interesting and the chemistry between the leads was good. It was a quick read and some of the bantering scenes were fun. This book could easily have been a 3.5/4 star read for me, so I get the high ratings! Here's where things went wrong for me...

Dock 1/2 star — The love/hate relationship wasn't very strongly established. It was a lot of telling, rather than showing. Some of it was there, but it was just kind of weak.

Dock 1/2 star — The heroine was extremely insecure, which made the plot very predictable and also very this-boyfriend-will-complete-me. Which leads me to....

Dock 1/2 star — The heroine drove me crazy. 1) Her language was immature and coarse in spite of being "a Shakespeare nerd." I can tolerate some cursing, but when the most common curse word involves male genitalia... Well, where was your editor? 2) I thought there would be more literary references, more evidence of her lit-loving ways, but that was disappointing, too. She didn't talk or act like someone who loves literature.

Dock 1/2 star—Unfortunately the character growth in the novel seemed to be centered around the man, rather than the woman. I kept waiting for her to not be codependent on a man / relationship... And while she showed some promise, I'm still really annoyed she didn't go back and finish her degree. Gahhhhhh Not that I'm not sympathetic to valid reasons for dropping out of college, but her reasons were NOT those and there were not valid ones for not picking it up again. (I did like that she was good at organizing.)

Dock 1/2 star — explicit sex scenes. I skimmed through them but blah. Really takes the fun out of the sexual tension, if I have to skip due to too much detail