A review by bookdrgn
In Too Deep by Skye Jordan


I initially thought this was slow to start with the first chapter being about the cyclone, Laiyla, and two other women. But as I read on I see it was important to set the friendship up because KT and Chloe supported Laiyla as she found her backbone and confidence to reach for her dream.
As someone exceptionally close to her grandparents, Laiyla’s grief for her grandfather and her despair over the state of his property had me in tears with her. I was really hoping for a bigger showdown between Laiyla and her parents and even though I found the ending rather dramatic, it was necessary for Laiyla and her personal growth.
Levi was too uncompromising and unwilling to accept Laiyla isn’t the same person she was at eighteen. He is set on holding the past as evidence they can’t have a present. It felt like Laiyla went from being unable to deny her parents to unable to deny Levi. I kept waiting for her to find her voice and do things on her terms.
I was confused by the timeline, Laiyla saying she had worked for her parents' hotel for two decades, and being only thirty seems odd.
The scene on the boat. Whoa!

This was a fun read with interesting characters. I am looking forward to KT and Chloe’s books.

I received a complimentary copy of In Too Deep via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.