A review by fleetingfelicity
Fight Like a Girl by Sheena Kamal


2.5 stars

This book was actually going to be 4 stars until what happened in the end. I now understand why other reviews kept warning about the ending.

All I will say is if you're expecting some sort of climax, you won't reach it with this story. I was really hoping this story would give the lead a chance to change directions and break cycles, but the exact opposite happens and all the stuff she endures throughout the book was for nothing.

What this story does is reinforce harsh stereotypes of Trinidadians (as someone from there I can't deny the truth in some, but most were grotesque generalizations, but even then I was willing to look away from it since the character didn't know much about Trinidad beyond what her family exposed her to). Somehow the men and women from Trinidad in this story were caricatures at best.