A review by krysisreading
Where's Molly by H.D. Carlton


It was just soooooo disappointing.

Was going to give 2 stars but with the line "You've survived worse" IN A SMUT SCENE WITH A SEX TRAFFICIKING VICTIM?????? yeah no.

With getting introduced to Molly in Haunting Adeline and with how protective of the journals that Addie was, I really thought we were going to get so much more from this book.
It felt like the plot was missing so much and that so much was skipped over in order for there to be some smut.
The insta love was just??? Idk. You're telling me this girl that you were helping escape from this horrid situation you were like "damn not only do I wanna bang her rn (as she is fleeing from a traumatizing situation how sexy) but I am also so so in love with her" ?????
And he bought every hotel room to make her stay with him? The girl who is severely traumatized and is running away from a terrible situation, he manipulated/trapped her into staying him? Was there really no other way to get them to fall in love besides manipulation? Especially with that much trauma its just wild that that is the choice that was made.
While we already had knowledge of Molly, Cage came out of left field as a wanna be Zade that just missed the mark (as we get some cringey comments in the last *last* chapter between the two). I feel like the only reason Molly had any character development was because she had trauma to work through. Cage? He lacked any growth.

I often think that the fact that the FMCs are so traumatized is almost looked over or forgotten in the smut scenes. Because no matter how "morally gray" that man is why is there any " I can tell she likes it" scenarios? Its gross (and not in a I "don't understand dark romance" way).

Having more backstory through Molly's time at Francesca's would have been more interesting to read rather than idk, everything about the pigs we needed to know (the word pig is used 45 times).

a very disappointing read.