A review by sc104906
The Exact Location of Home by Kate Messner


Set in the same world as several of Messner's other characters, readers are given an inside look into Zig's life. Kirby Zigonski, or Zig, is a whiz with all electronics. He is a great responsible student. His best friends Gianna and Ruby are the best ever. Things become difficult for Zig, when he and his mom are evicted from their apartment for lack of payment. Zig believes that his absent father could resolve everything, if only his mom would call him. Zig uses a GPS he recently fixed to explore local geocache sites and decided that one of the other geocachers is his father. Zig knows that if he can track down his father, he will be able to resolve everything that is going wrong with his life.

This story brings up the many frustrations a child would feel in this situation. While Zig controls very little, he attempts grab what little control he can. The novel alludes to various issues of growing up and reinforces the idea that everyone has a hidden life and a potential hidden pain.