A review by read_by_hev
The Affair of the Mutilated Mink by James Anderson


A reasonable read with some interesting characters and a fun plot, this is the first book in this series that I have read. It was enjoyable and fun to read, however the pacing was a little off for me and the book took an age to get going. Once it did though, it was a reasonable pace and held my attention. The characters were the strongest point for me, and I adore Gerry as a character. The solution surprised me and it was not a disappointment when the reveal happened. One thing that was frustrating was the fact that the characters were aware of information before the reader - we knew there was information to be had but the author was not giving it to us. This may be down to personal preference but I feel that there are subtler ways of providing information and hiding the meaning in the text rather than deliberately hiding it from the reader. Otherwise a fun read and I hope to get more in this series.