A review by szintiareadsbooks
A Parent Apart by Gary Wright


I would like to thank the author for sending me a digital copy of his book. This is an amazingly well written debut novel and to be honest I can't wait to read more from him.

A stormy day on the beach changed everything for two families. Andrew made the decision to protect and save his family, while Chris loses everything he ever had. The events after that day will break the readers heart to pieces..

It was a page turner for me, and I just couldn't put it down. I would recommend this book for everyone who loves crime fiction. The characters were si real and it was easy to feel what they felt..I had tears in my eyes when I read some of the chapters. I loved the twists in the story and I didn't see the ending coming...when I finished it it felt like I wanted to read more and more. It was heartbreaking, gripping, emotional and 100% addictive. I can't recomment this book enough! LOVED IT!