A review by rereader33
Sweat and Soap, Vol. 3 by Kintetsu Yamada


Wow. I am blown away with how maturely and compassionately Ichise's feelings for Natori was handled. Seriously, I am so stunned that that whole situation was handled with care, clear communication, and maturity. I'm sure some people will say that this isn't a realistic ending, but guess what? I DON'T FUCKING CARE. I would easily rather watch two mature women talk things out and come away with an amicable friendship (as well as an amicable friendship between Natori and Ichise) than the stereotypical girl-hating for the sake of drama and "realism". Yamada, you have my undying love and respect for the way this ended, thank you!

Speaking of Natori and Asako, their relationship continues to be healthy, adorable, and free of miscommunication bullshit, which is the highest compliment I can offer. I love how open Natori is about what he wants in their relationship and how he treats Asako's feelings with respect and care. I love how Asako is taking small steps to be more assertive in their relationship and trying new things. Their relationship is so super awesome and I adore it!

Oh, and Chief Okura continues to be the best man EVER and I adore him. Please give him more screen time, Yamada, I'm begging you! And Ichise is also delightfully wonderful and I love her too! So many great side characters, I could just burst with joy!

Enough ranting, let's get to the point. This was another great volume that is showing that adults not only can have healthy, happy relationships with open communication, but you can have two women who love(d) the same man settle their differences and have a happy, healthy friendship. FOR FUCK'S SAKE ROMANCE WRITERS, TAKE EXAMPLES FROM THIS SERIES AND GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER!!!