A review by jessicareadsit
Heartstruck at Dawn by Alejandra Andrade


I was absolutely enamored with Heartstruck at Dawn and its highly relatable characters, quirky dialogue, and laugh out loud moments,

While the plotline of Heartstruck at Dawn kept me on my toes with the constant twists and turns, the true brilliance for me has to be the properly developed characters and superb writing.

Billie Murphy is an absolute mess but I could not help empathizing with her situation, I mean, haven't we all been there before with that one hot guy we can't seem to let go of? Speaking of hot guys we shouldn't want but do, William was just the right amount of bad boy that had readers hating to love him. Of course, the dynamic cast would not be complete without some eye candy and a crazy stalker in the mix.

Heartstruck at Dawn started with a bang and the plotline immediately went into overdrive with relationship drama. Just when I thought Billie was taking one path she completely threw me off course with her indecisive behavior and signature Billie logic.

I enjoyed the inclusivity of this novel and how the author threw the bare-faced truth at readers- we can have the guy but still want someone else. There is no shame in exploring your options and taking a chance to make sure you have no regrets.

I did not realize the book would end on a cliffhanger and I am honestly still trying to assess my mental and emotional state after that devastating conclusion. Here are my current musings for this book:

-Am I still confused about where Billie's relationship triangle is headed- yes
-Is there an even bigger plot twist shrouded in secrecy and slightly teased about within the book- yes
-Am I utterly destroyed and are seriously wishing the author would sprinkle some paranormal mumbo -jumbo to get back my heart- ABSOLUTELY

Heartstruck at Dawn Buckle was an epic rollercoaster and I cannot wait to see what's in store for everyone's favorite "hot mess" Billie.

Thank you to Reedsy Discovery and the author for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review.