A review by llama_lord
A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 by Kathryn Lasky


While not my favorite of the Dear America series, I really enjoyed this one. Mem is a likable girl and her voice sounded very believable for a twelve year old girl. I love that Dear America chose to have one of their books feature a pilgrim girl because the pilgrims' journey on the Mayflower is an essential part of American history despite the fact that it happened some 150 years before America was founded.

The best part of this book of this book is the beginning when Mem and her family are still on the Mayflower. Not only was it interesting and exciting but also very informative. Unfortunately I felt that the storytelling gradually lost steam once the pilgrims reached the New World. By the end of the book it seemed like Mem had very little to say. The First Thanksgiving especially was neglected when it should have been a special event for Mem and therefore an important part of the story.

Despite that, I still enjoyed the book and would definitely recommend it.