A review by vickylou
The Earl of London by Louise Bay


Very pleased that Darcy has got her own book!

Loved the latter part of the book, not so keen on the earlier part. Logan's need to subjugate women didn't sit well with me... I am all for the alpha, however his deliberate need to control and... really, I suppose, humiliate in a sexual way... any woman who he deemed successful in business. Bit sad really, and not very alpha imo. I do find Louise Bay's impression of Britain a little odd too... all a bit Jilly Cooper-ish , and that world hasn't existed for a few decades ( I lived in London for many years and grew up in and have now returned to the Royal Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire - so am well versed in both sides of this particular coin. I know, according to her bio, she was very much into eighties mini series & 'beach' books... but... ).

Now, that sounds negative... but I really truly wouldn't have rated it 3 stars if I didn't like it... honest! But, think that the Indigo Nights and Empire State series of books are my favourite of hers... so far!