A review by carsonelainee
Exes and O's by Amy Lea


What do you do when you read the book you know os going to be your favorite of the year on the very first day of the year? I'm open to suggestions because Exes and O's has already sent the rest of my reading year down the toilet. I will never again feel the feelings I felt while reading this book. It was the first book in a while I wanted to be constantly reading. When I had to put it down to go do something else, I was upset! I just wanted to read!

Exes and O's is a romcom for the romcom girlies. Amy Lea is single candidly bringing about the resurgence of the true romcom era unlike anything seen since the 1990s. The book is funny, sweet, heart-warming, and just gooey. Now you may be thinking, all of those words mean more or less the same thing, but oh no, that is where you are wrong.

It is funny in the way that I was actually laughing out loud. Full on belly laughs. I may snort or chuckle at a book in passing, but Exes and O's is consistently funny in a way that will make you actually laugh, not just make you feel like you want to.

The book is sweet. From Tara's relationships with her friends and Angie to some of the more tender moments between Tara and Trevor. I could have gotten a cavity from the sweetness. It was well balanced sweetness as well, it was not overdone.

It was very heart-warming. It was amazing to have a romance heroine that I so thoroughly related to. I think that Tara will be relatable to most 20-30 year olds who have had trouble with their romantic lives. She is a character for the romance lovers in a way that only romance readers will be able to appreciate. It was so thoroughly reassuring to be able to have my own experiences reflected. To not have to feel like I am less of a person because of my romantic history. To know that it is not a bad thing to be a tad clingy or over the top. Tara Chen will go down in history as one of my favorite romance heroines ever.

Every single moment of this book was perfect. I will never be able to perfectly quantify how much I loved it and how much it meant to me. This book also had the most perfect slowburn and chemistry between two characters that I have seen in a while. I was literally screaming anytime there was the least bit of tension between Tara and Trevor.

The perfect blend of everything I love in a romance book. Thank you Amy Lea <3

Thank you to Netgalley, Amy Lea, and Berkley Romance for this advanced copy of Exes and O's in exchange for my honest review. Get your copy of Exes and O's January 10, 2023.