A review by starsinkedpages
The Moon on a Rainy Night, Vol. 1 by Kuzushiro


At first I was attracted by the cover because it gave me yuri vibes so I went for it but Iwhen I starterd to read I got suprised to see that we got a hard hearing person. Ans as a deaf persone was happy i could relate to the character. Everthing she said about her daily struggles are the same as mine so it was good to see it thins kind of rappresentation that we neeed more of but are very few in mangas.
I really liked the amin character she does an effort to understand her disabilty and to be friends wih her and we can see her struggle probably with her sexuality. Their friendships is very cute and I found myself motre than once at giggling and just melting from cuteness. I can't wait to read the next volume, I missed reading this kind of manga.