A review by popthebutterfly
The Edge of Anything by Nora Shalaway Carpenter


Disclaimer: I received an e-arc from netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: The Edge of Anything

Author: Nora Shalaway Carpenter

Book Series: Standalone

Rating: 5/5

Diversity: OCD rep! Own voice!

Publication Date: March 24, 2020

Genre: YA Contemporary

Recommended Age: 15+ (mental health, depression)

Publisher: Running Press Kids

Pages: 368

Amazon Link

Synopsis: Len is a loner teen photographer haunted by a past that’s stagnated her work and left her terrified she’s losing her mind. Sage is a high school volleyball star desperate to find a way around her sudden medical disqualification. Both girls need college scholarships. After a chance encounter, the two develop an unlikely friendship that enables them to begin facing their inner demons.

But both Len and Sage are keeping secrets that, left hidden, could cost them everything, maybe even their lives.

Set in the North Carolina mountains, this dynamic #ownvoices novel explores grief, mental health, and the transformative power of friendship.

Review: I really loved this one! It was poignant and heartbreaking all in the same. The book did well with the dual POVs and the character development was amazing. The world building was also done well and I applaud the author for making realistic characters, with flaws and all. Also, hats off to the amazing OCD rep!

The only issue I had with the book is that there were some overdramatic scenes and writing that I felt was a bit out of character. Other than that, this was a great book!

Verdict: A must read!