A review by posies23
Every Dead Thing by John Connolly


Let's just get things out of the way early here: This is a very DARK book. It follows the journey of former cop Charlie Parker (or "Bird") as he seeks the killer of his wife and child, and it goes into some VERY nasty places. (That's not really a spoiler, since it happens in the first few pages.)

With that said, it's a very good book. Connolly has a way with words, and his writing really pulled me into Parker's world. There are many interesting characters, and some plot twists I didn't see coming.

My only real complaint with the book is that I called one of the major plot points quite early in the book, which ruined a bit of the "fun" when it happened.

I will definitely be reading the rest of the books in the series.

(By the way, I met the author at ONCE UPON A CRIME in Minneapolis, MN, and he was a very friendly and funny guy! If you get the chance to meet him, you should definitely do it.)