A review by tabatha_shipley
The Magician King by Lev Grossman


What I Did Like:
+The backstory for Julia is (mostly) excellent! It contrasts wonderfully with the tale of the Brakebills crew and adds a layer of realism to the idea of magical training. I will say it takes a terrible and lazy turn though.
+Quentin’s ending works. I liked the sort of unexpected twist and what that may do to the story. It’s one of those endings where you didn’t see it coming but then you look back on everything you know and realize you probably should have seen it coming. I like those.

Who Should Read This One:
-If you really loved the first book and characters, you may enjoy the way their journey continues even more than I did.

My Rating: 2 Stars
For me the unlikeable main character, odd pacing, and graphic unnecessary scene made the entire book problematic.

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