A review by anjalisudarsan
Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport


I picked this book up as I was already on a path to not consuming content much, just creating my own. Cal gave some great anecdotes, of an artist doing the same thing as I do (post, don't scroll).
Digital minimalism seems like an obvious concept, but I love that Cal Newport explores ways to make the most of your time without really making like a radical change (like fully cutting your phone out). My favourite quotes:
- "all of humanity's problems stems from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone" (Blaise Pascal)
- "Only thoughts reached by walking have value"
- The more time you use on social media, the less time you tend to devote to offline interactions
- The ability for social media to make us feel ostracised, inadequate, as well as to stroke exhausting outrage, inflame our worst tribal instincts, and perhaps even degrade the democratic process, itself.
- A life well lived requires activities that serve no other purpose other than the satisfaction that the activity itself generates
- High quality leisure is essential to a life well lived.

So, yes, I'll be living life noise free more often.