A review by lnatal
George Eliot: Adam Bede/The Mill on the Floss/Silas Marner/Middlemarch by George Eliot


This is the story of Adam Bede, a carpenter who lives in the countryside and falls in love with Hetty Sorrel, a maid who lives with the Poysers, uncle and aunt of Adam.

In reality, the plot involves the love story among the four main characters: Adam, Hetty Sorrel, Arthur Donnithorne, a young squire who seduces Hetty, and Dinah Morris, Hetty's cousin and an itinerant Methodist preacher.

After have been seduced by Arthur, Hetty's life become a turmoil of tragic events.

The first movie based on this story was made in 1918. In 1992, BBC produced a television version of this famous work by George Eliot.