A review by flamingokrysten
Normal People by Sally Rooney


Wow, where to start?

I am usually a fan of a much stronger detailed narration however this narration was strong in its own way through its consistency. I felt like this was extremely similar to a stream of consciousness and i felt that Connell and Marianne were two of my friends and I was catching up with them. The way this was written in such a causal manner has a similar effect to a long text someone sends you.

With that I found this story and Marianne and Connell to be relatable, raw, and real. Being of the same age group as them and experiencing similar things in a coming of age/ figuring out these in between years of childhood and adulthood and the relationships from that, I understood them very well. Again, I know several Connell’s and Marianne’s.

I liked the lack of quotations for this reason as well. The lack of quotations brings up the question of “is this the truth” while reading. The lack of quotations leaves room for interpretation and doubt. This to me feels similar to real life and, since I felt the story was so much like catching up with friends, each person has their own interpretation of an event and there’s a he-said-she-said element.

While I can see why some people take issue with this book and I have my own critiques about some of the writing, I found this book super enjoyable and well worth the hype. Nothing really happens, it’s not particularly revolutionary, there’s a lot of time jumps, and there’s an aspect of superficiality mixed with deeper developments so I do see why this may not be everyone cup of tea. I still think this book is great and, when looked at through a critical lens, is extremely poetic.

The romantic in me does, however. wish for a more dramatic and final ending.