A review by shubagar
A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin


This is one of my favourite books and I am so excited to continue the series!! It is a great fantasy novel but I do wish to see a map of Earthsea and the whole world of this novel (I cannot find it). It is a fast-paced novel with an agreeable writing style- minimal dialogue and adequate descriptions.

The 'finale' or the ending wasn't what I was expecting in terms of grandeur and I felt it could have had a better and more philosophical explanation. I was also hoping for action (absent from the whole story) and a lot of use of magic (kept to a minimum, especially its descriptions). It was also male-dominated, and there were literally, like, 5 female characters, of which 2 were present for a short moment of time. There was zero romance too.

My favourite part of A Wizard Of Earthsea was how well the writing quality went with the fast-paced plot; I also loved that there were so many lands in Earthsea and beyond, and again wish for a map to provide more clarity.

I discovered this series after watching Tales from Earthsea, a Japanese animated film by Studio Ghibli (my favourite Studio ever!!!) which is an adaption of one of the Earthsea novels. I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH; it was wonderful and I highly recommend!