A review by fatima_zubair
Amina's Song by Hena Khan


Review on Amina's Song (Amina's Voice # 2) by Hena Khan

Amina's Song is the second installment in Amina's Voice series and is based partly in Pakistan and in America. Amina lives in America with her parents and her only brother but in summer vacations she visits her extended family in Pakistan where she starts loving everything about her. Her family, the streets of Lahore, Pakistani food, Pakistani traditions and literally everything. 

The book also revolves around Amina's love for music and how after getting through her fear the previous year and singing in front of a huge audience, she is now planning on writing her own lyrics and making a music video from scratch. 

I also love her friends. Like they are literal goals. Her thaya and his daughter are amazing as well. 

It also talks about how people outside of Pakistan think there is only war, destruction and terrorists in the country and people are devoid of any normalcy whatsoever. Which obviously is not the case. The media only shows the bad side of our country but in reality we have normal lives like in any other country out there in the world. 

There is good and bad everywhere like Amina's father says so it applies to every place and country out there in this world. But the good always outweighs the bad and we must do our parts to keep it that way. 

One thing that I didn't like is making a hero out of Malala. She is not. Period. We Pakistanis, who still live here, know that she hasn't done anything for our country. Sitting abroad and sending funds is nothing new. Besides she is just a pawn of the West, her recent statement regarding Palestine clearly shows that. Don't agree with me but please don't try to change my stance. Anyways, I am glad she highlighted other amazing women of Pakistan who actually have done something for our country. 

Overall, it is good with some really good things that made me emotional and I quite liked this book.