A review by sea_caummisar
Price Slashers by Chisto Healy


Three novellas by three authors....
I was given a review copy, which I was excited about because I love extreme horror.
The author notes at the end explained deeper into the idea of the book.
One writing prompt. A woman running out of a grocery store. The end even explained the woman's name and appearance would be uniform across the three stories, even though all stories were all different in their own way. Also, the store workers and their clothing, etc (minor yet important details) would be the same across the three tales, which gave each story a familiar feeling.
Also, there were bisexual themes, which its true that doesn't appear too frequently in horror fiction.
The first story was a cop/detective murder mystery type.
The second, not quite bizarro, but close.
And the third was my fave. About a woman and her baby. It pushed some boundaries that extreme horror is known for, and I'm sure it would make many readers uncomfortable (which is the point of horror fiction, right?) the author note about that one actually broke my heart, but made me love the story even more