A review by meghanlew_
Hellbent by Anthony McGowan


Over all I found this book extremely difficult to read. I know that it was written in a different english than my own, but I feel that the author used an absurd amount of slang words. Over time these words and phrases began to feel unnecessary and just made me dislike the book more.

The characters were bland and one sided and I felt that there was no development through out the story. Near the end of the story it felt as thought the character did a complete 180 and turned into a different person, which did not fit with the rest of the story. Than at the end of the book he reverts back to who he was at the beginning. IT felt very rushed and unorganized.

The plot line was even more pitiful than the characters. The author tried following a plot, but in the end was left with a jumbled mess. The main character went off on so many tangents that at times I wasn't really sure what I was reading. I also found my self skipping over them in order to get back to the actual story. They were extremely long ways of trying to show who the character was, but in the end just made we want to put the book down. The concept of the story was there and the small world building that it did have was good and that is why I am giving this book 2 stars instead of 1.