A review by dsbookie
The Marrow of Tradition by Charles W. Chesnutt


This book was an interesting read and another book I had to read for one of my classes. It was full of historical events that were easily pointed out. The Plessy versus Ferguson case, the Wilmington Massacre, and the obvious ties to the racial tensions in the newspapers of the South at the time. It was interesting to get the viewpoints of so many different characters in this novel. It gave a lot of insight into the minds of the people at the time this was written and throughout the period after the Civil War. There are a few points that are slow, but that is to be expected of any book published so long ago. There are some heavy dialect aspects to the book that, at first, can be more difficult to read, but as you go along, you get used to it and it will go by much faster. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know more about what went on around the late 1800s and early 1900s in the South.