A review by michalice
A Month with April-May by Edyth Bulbring


I had not heard of A Month with April-May before, so when I was contacted by the publisher to review this book, I read the synopsis and thought it sounded like a light, fun read.  The minute I began reading I did not want to stop, and finished the book in a few hours.
When I started reading my first thought was 'I feel sorry for this girl having a name like April-May February'. I don't like my own full name, for reasons I won't go into, but if I had a name like that I would definitely be changing it at the first possible opportunity.  Even though the name is strange, it actually fits the character perfectly.  I love her sense of humour, her attitude and how she thinks about things and rationalises doing things she shouldn't, and even how she categorises teachers into 'the bunch that barely make it out of bed to come to school' and 'people you just don't want hanging around your classroom'.
April-May goes into great detail about her surroundings, which makes for an amusing read, for example her desk-mate is the class mouth-breather, or how much she loves Edward Cullen .  I loved her game of Russian roulette with a thesaurus and having to use similes five times that day for her chosen word.
The hi-jinx that April gets into, and ends up dragging her friends into as we'll had me laughing, and its not until the very end that April-May realises exactly what she has got, and finally realises the truth.

Edyth Bulbring has taken a normal school girl with everyday problems and turned her into an intriguing, quirky character that I needed to know more about. A Month With April-May is a quick read that I thoroughly enjoyed from the moment I began, but one that also ended far too soon, and I can't wait to see what happens next.