A review by katiebookqueen
Anatomy of a Single Girl by Daria Snadowsky


Review Posted: http://queenofteenfiction.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/review-anatomy-of-single-girl.html

After liking Anatomy of Boyfriend, I was so excited to get the chance to review the sequel. With that being said, it is pretty easy to read the sequel if you haven’t already read the first book!

The story follows Dominique during summer, after completing her first year of college. This is when she meets Guy. At first, she has a relationship on her mind, but Guy doesn’t want that. In his mind, the time then spend together has an expiry date at the end of summer. Dom wanted commitment, but after a bit thinking, she decides to take the chance of a no-strings-attached relationship, hoping it’ll help her to finally get over her ex-boyfriend.

First thing I love about Dom – she is the most relatable character to read about. Her situations, what she feels, it’s all so realistic! I love that about this story, so many girls of that age range will be able to relate to it in some way or another.

I also adore her friendship with Amy. I love that it’s tested in this book, like every friendship. But, of course, they come out stronger. Their friendship is one of the things I loved most throughout the story.

One of the main themes in this book though, is her relationship with Guy. I loved Guy. I think every girl needs a guy like Guy! It was great to see Dom finally take charge of her body and figure things out. The book realistically captures how sex isn’t something that’s perfect from the start. It’s different for everyone and finding what’s right for you can be frustrating!

There are plenty of laughs along the way, and some sweet moments too. Dom’s narration of the story is fantastic and I love how much she develops throughout the story. You feel so proud of her in the last few chapters!

I loved the ending of this story and I found the last few pages to be quite empowering. If you want Hollywood-style endings, you’re not going to find it here. But what you will get is a story with amazing characters that you won’t forget and a relatable plot that you can love and learn from.